Main Street Vegan

This book focuses on how to make the switch to veganism.  It has the right balance of scientific information, philosophy, recipes, and lots of practical advice on becoming a vegan. Most of the book is lighthearted, however; the parts on what farm animals go through may be difficult if you are new to the topic.   Victoria Moran educates the reader on the nutritional downfalls and health consequences of the Standard American Diet (SAD), gives practical advice on choosing vegan items, and includes a recipe at the end of each chapter.  She covers many topics- ethics, compassion, the food, peer pressure, how to raise vegan kids, going to restaurants, travel, clothing and cosmetics.

Main Street Vegan

Educating the reader on the nutritional downfalls and health consequences of the Standard American Diet.  The book focuses on how to make the switch to veganism; much of this book has a lighthearted feel to it – almost as you are talking to a friend.   However, the parts explaining what farm animals go through may be a bit tough if you are reading about this for the first time.