Library Anywhere, Library Everywhere

Carnegie Library staff love welcoming visitors to our locations, but did you know that we also make regular appearances at childcare centers, senior living facilities, and special events? We get … Continued

Minutes From the Mall

I planned to meet up with author Matthew Newton outside – but sheets of rain made me wish we had decided to meet at Monroeville Mall, “a pleasure dome immune … Continued

Throwback Thursday: Books (But no Snakes) On a Plane

I try not to go anywhere without at least one book. You never know when you’re going to be stuck in rush-hour bus traffic, or sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room, or standing in line at the bank. Might as well have something to read, just in case, right? Here’s a quick peek at some of the books I took.

Throwback Thursday: Lovers and Fighters

“Boom Boom’s” visit made an impression on me, though. How could it not? Mancini’s presence was meant to be an example of what we, too, could accomplish, if we worked hard. We could be contenders. We could be somebody. Maybe not in the ring, but somehow. All you had to do was pay your dues and have faith, and somehow everything would turn out okay.

Less Censorship, More Unicorns

I hate Banned Books Week. There. I said it. Well, not the week itself, obviously. As a lifelong supporter of the freedom to read, though, I hate that Banned Books Week is still necessary in 2016. You’d think we’d be a bit further along by now.

We Could Be Heroes If We Knew What That Meant

Alison Green, the star of the comic Strong Female Protagonist, used to be a superhero named Mega-Girl. She was pretty good at it, too; then she had an existential crisis and went off to college to learn other ways of saving the world. Leaving Mega-Girl behind isn’t all that easy, though: as Alison tries to cobble together a normal life at school, she keeps running into awkward situations.

Love Your Perfume

Clocking in at a mere 140 pages, Andrew Lam’s Perfume Dreams is deceptively slim. Its contents, however, will resonate with readers long after they’ve finished it. Though Lam eagerly embraced American life and assimilated easily, he never really could leave Vietnam behind, and he explores the immigrant experience in this beautiful collection

You Did It!

Congratulations, Pittsburgh – you just read 90,000 books!

Crank Up the Mixtape

Reading the print Mixtape is a door that swings both ways: if you’ve already seen the film about soul music, you’ll be thrilled to get the story behind the story. If this is your first encounter with Swedish filmmaker Göran Hugo Olsson’s project, it will definitely inspire you to watch the documentary.