Chat With the Library

The Library is always developing new ways for people to engage with us; in addition to our in-person, telephone and email reference request options, you can also speak directly with … Continued

Upcoming Changes to

UPDATE 9/18/2019: LinkedIn has sent out the following message to its library customers: “First, thank you for being a valued customer and working so closely with us on the migration … Continued

Data Detox Week 8: What Comes Next?

In May, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host The Glass Room, an interactive exhibit examining the ramifications of always-on, always-connected technology on personal privacy. As a lead up to this process, … Continued

Data Detox Week 3: Clean Browsing

  In May, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host The Glass Room, an interactive exhibit examining the ramifications of always-on, always-connected technology on personal privacy. As a lead up to this … Continued

Data Detox Week 2: Being Social

In May, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host The Glass Room, an interactive exhibit examining the ramifications of always-on, always-connected technology on personal privacy. As a lead up to this … Continued