National Vegan Month

November is National Vegan Month! Maybe you’re curious about going full vegan or trying to incorporate more meat-and dairy-free staples into your meal planning. The following titles can help you plan inexpensive and nutritious dishes all year round!

Transgender Awareness Week

Transgender Awareness Week is a time focused on educating folks about the issues associated with their transition and identity. It is also the week of celebration. This week always leads … Continued

Palaces for the People

Americans are in a crisis of loneliness. Factors like the pandemic and our deep political divides have kept us isolated, while social media and media echo chambers sort many of … Continued

Judy Garland

There is no one like Judy Garland. The voice, the glamour, the tragedy. Garland was a hero to many and her voice –on and off screen–still touches people. 

Nature Writing

Autumn is a beautiful time of year to spend outdoors, but it’s also a perfect season to curl up with a book. Whichever you prefer, you can reconnect with nature, ponder your place in the animal kingdom, and immerse yourself in the rhythm and routines of the wilderness around us with these pieces of nature writing.

Honoring Indigenous Peoples

U.S. Indigenous Peoples’ Day is recognized and celebrated on the second Monday of October. This day is an opportunity to commemorate Native American peoples and their history, and recognizes the … Continued

How to Have Curious Conversations

What keeps us from really seeing each other, and how do we get it out of our way? It is so much easier to talk about people who disagree with us than with them. But there’s … Continued