Bilingual Books for Kids for Latinx Heritage Month
Childhood is the perfect time to be exposed to different languages! To celebrate Latinx Heritage Month, here is a list of English-language picture books that incorporate Spanish words and phrases throughout the text.
Banned Books: Children’s Books
Banned Books Week is September 22-28, 2024. As CLP celebrates the right to read, check out the list below of children’s titles that have been challenged, many because they highlight … Continued
Butterflies, Beetles and Bugs, Oh My!
Fascinating creatures are all around us. You don’t need to go to the zoo or even the park to learn more about wildlife. Insects, arthropods and all sorts of small creepy crawlies can be found right in your own backyard. Check out this list to grab a guide or savor a story. And remember, you can ask your local librarian for personalized suggestions, buggy or otherwise, any time.
Be a Community Helper!
Try reading these picture books to learn more about what you can do in your community!
Kids Just Wanna Have Fun
Whether it’s a celebratory party, a community get-together, a dance performance or a concert, appreciating others’ talents (or exploring your own) can be a wonderful experience. Celebrations of all sorts take center stage in this booklist. Check them out—and enjoy as many encores as you like.
Kids’ Titles to Celebrate Disability Pride Month
During Disability Pride Month, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is committed to highlighting and celebrating the diverse experiences and contributions of individuals with disabilities. We recognize this month as an opportunity to raise awareness, promote acceptance, and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Check out these kids’ titles to celebrate Disability Pride Month.
Pride Month Picks for Kids
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh recognizes Pride month by celebrating LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and more) individuals of all races, genders, classes, sexualities, and identities. Celebrating Pride … Continued
The Silliest Picture Books Ever
From Captain Underpants to Mo Willems’ pigeon, some of the most memorable books for kids are the funniest ones. But sometimes, it’s hard to find a new read-aloud that will … Continued
Summer Reading 2024: Kids Picks
While the 2024 Olympics are happening in Paris, the library’s annual summer reading challenge will be in full swing from June 16 to August 11 here in Pittsburgh. And just … Continued
Summer Reading with the Science Center – Kids
Carnegie Science Center Staff knows about SCIENCE, but they also know about books. Their staff shared some of their favorite books for kids with us, so we just HAD to … Continued