Super Happy Magic Forest

Go on a fantastical adventure to find out if a unicorn, a faun, a gnome, a fairy and a talking mushroom can save the Super Happy Magic Forest from the root of all evil.

Community Helpers

Learn more about the people that keep our schools, towns, cities, and neighborhoods safe, clean and all around more pleasant places to live, work, and play in.

Barnacle is Bored

As the title clearly states, Barnacle is Bored. Each day he hangs out beneath the pier – just being a barnacle. The tide flows in and out. No fun. No action. No excitement.

8 Must-Reads by Latino Authors

Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15) with these 8 must-reads by Latino authors for kids, teens, and adults.

Five Fast Fox Books

Just try saying that five times fast! Or better yet, check out these books that introduce the quick and clever fox to a range of young readers.