March: Books 1-3
This National Book Award-winning graphic series is the memoir of Congressman John Lewis who has dedicated his life to pursing equality and justice for all.
Black History Month Artful Biographies
This booklist celebrates the lives of African-American poets, artists, dancers and musicians. With each of these pictures books, children and their caregivers are given a glimpse into the lives and … Continued
Black History Month Adult Booklist
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh staff and board members recommend these must-read books that celebrate African American authors, culture and history.
Seen in Pittsburgh!
Keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming author visits and take advantage of these occasions to find your new favorite writer.
Pittsburgh’s Black History in Baseball
Here we are, in the deepest part of winter. To my mind, that means it’s the perfect time to imagine that it’s a warm, sunny spring day, and I’m sitting … Continued
Celebrate Teen Read Week October 9-15, 2016
“Read for the fun of it” with these great middle school recommendations from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teen Specialists!
Monster is the urban-tale of murder, robbery, and redemption for Steve Harmon.
Women of a Dangerous Age Are Getting Away from It All
Sometimes we just need to go, leave, be gone!
Unseen & Underrated: African-American Films
Check out these hidden gems in the African-American film collection, housed in the Music, Film & Audio Department of the Main Library.