Pride Month Picks for Adults
For Pride 2024, CLP is celebrating joy, love, and solidarity while recognizing the oppression the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face—especially for people with intersecting identities. We invite you to celebrate with us and explore these books and more in our collections.
Thoughtful Gardening
With the days finally getting longer and the first blooms of the season bobbing their heads in warming breezes, all I’ve been thinking about is garden planning. My backyard garden … Continued
Vivian Ann Davidson Hewitt
Vivian Ann Davidson Hewitt’s legacy has been felt by many whether it is through her impact as a librarian or her curated collection of African American art. To learn more about Ms. Davidson Hewitt and Black Librarianship, staff have curated a list of suggested readings.
Caldecott Awards 2024
There were a LOT of great picture books published in 2023. That means that the committee who chose the Caldecott Medal and Honor books had their work cut out for them.
BHM 30 Books in 30 Minutes Nonfiction
n celebration of Black writers and Black History Month, staff will be racing against the clock to share their favorite recommendations. Come out to celebrate with us, learn about a new book (or 30) and get a free book and a nice treat from a local bakery, on Tuesday, January 30th at CLP-Hill District and Saturday, February 3rd at CLP-Homewood.
Black History Month: Middle Grade
Join us as we honor the Black experience through book displays, resources, library programs and community events happening this February and throughout the year!
Black History Month: Adult Fiction
Join us as we honor the Black experience through book displays, resources, library programs and community events happening this February and throughout the year! Celebrate Black History Month with these Adult Fiction book picks!
BHM 30 Books in 30 Minutes Fiction
In celebration of Black writers and Black History Month, staff will be racing against the clock to share their favorite recommendations. Come out to celebrate with us, learn about a new book (or 30) and get a free book and a nice treat from a local bakery, on Tuesday, January 30th at CLP-Hill District and Saturday, February 3rd at CLP-Homewood.
Black History Month: Adult Nonfiction
For Black History Month 2024, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is celebrating the Black experience in art, centering both Black artists and subjects. Celebrate Black History Month with these book picks!
Black History Month: Picture Books
For Black History Month 2024, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is celebrating the Black experience in art, centering both Black artists and subjects. Join us as we honor the Black experience through book displays, resources, library programs and community events happening this February and throughout the year!