Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years … Continued
This 90 minute interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and … Continued
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years … Continued
CLP - Mt. Washington
315 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. … Continued
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 … Continued
Join us to learn why and how to advocate for clean water! We will discuss sources of water pollution and how to spot and report water pollution and share knowledge … Continued
CLP - Main (Oakland)
4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh
Need help getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or need a refresher on digital skills? Join us for WORKshop in the Workforce Classroom on … Continued
CLP - Main (Oakland)
4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit … Continued
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years … Continued