Becoming a U.S. Citizen? Tools for the Naturalization Journey

Are you thinking of becoming a U.S. citizen? The library offers many ways to learn about U.S. civics, history, and culture, as well as many ways to practice for the civics and English tests. Learn more at and visit the official United States Citizenship and Immigration Services site at Ask a librarian how to attend free citizenship preparation classes at the Library or at other local organizations.

Civics and Citizenship Toolkit: a Collection of Educational Resources for Immigrants

The all-encompassing Cadillac of naturalization preparation vehicles, this multimedia kit is created by the most trusted source on the topic: United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It offers a DVD on the naturalization interview and test, vocabulary and civics flash cards to prepare for the test, a pocket-size Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States, and quick civics lessons. Some of the toolkit items are printed or recorded in both Spanish and English. Many are also available online at

Ciudadanía Americana: ¡Hecho Fácil!

Are you a Spanish speaker? Not only does this book include sample questions for the civics, reading, and writing tests, but also includes a CD so you can listen and practice pronouncing your answers.

Pass the U.S. Citizenship Exam

This updated edition includes sample test questions, sample interview questions, and a sample N-400 Form.

Also try Barron’s U.S. Citizenship Test, which is updated every few years. This Barron’s guide includes the steps to naturalization; an overview of U.S. history, civics, and geography; plus many sample test questions. The author has a long history of teaching English and citizenship, as well as assisting immigrants in advocacy and education.

Your Guide to Becoming a U.S. Citizen

This brief book is suited for people who aren’t quite sure if they want to apply for citizenship. It guides them through the decision process and how to find out if they are eligible to apply. In matter-of-fact, conversational writing, it explains realistic expectations for the citizenship journey as well as potential pitfalls. Intended for young people, this book uses less complex language and includes a glossary, making it ideal for English learners.