Books for New Moms

I spent this past summer on maternity leave and between diaper changes, walks around the neighborhood and feedings, I managed to squeeze in some reading–both for myself and to my new baby.  I have so many questions as a new mom.  How is my child developing?  What can I expect as he gets older?  What can he see and how can I teach him new things, like rolling over and lifting his head.  Luckily, I found a wealth of great parenting resources and some fun read-alouds for bonding time here at the library.  Several of the books were also available digitally and have a companion App, which makes holding the baby and reading simultaneously possible!  Here is a list of some of the books that I turned to during my first weeks as a new mom.

Black & White

It’s never too early to look and talk together!  Perfect for babies from birth to age two! This accordion  style foldout book is sturdy enough to stand by itself, and it is just the right size for little hands.  This book is great for newborns who can see contrasting colors and bold geometric patterns best during their first few months.

Good Night Pittsburgh

This delightful board book tours young readers around the great city of Pittsburgh as they visit the city’s greatest landmarks and attractions.

The Wonder Weeks : How to stimulate your baby's mental development and help him turn his 10 predictable, great, fussy phases into magical leaps forward

The Wonder Weeks describes the incredible mental developmental changes (leaps) and regression periods that all babies go through. Understanding the real reason behind crying, eating and sleeping problems is the only real solution every parent needs. The Wonder Weeks reveals what’s going on inside baby’s mind.  Be sure to check out the App too!