Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

The American dream claims that if you work hard and become successful, you will be happy, right? That’s the dream most of us strive for. But this dream was not working for Mo Gawdat. He was rich. He was successful. He was well known. He was the Chief Business Officer for Google. He could and did buy whatever his heart desired. But he wasn’t even close to happy. In fact, he admits that the more money he made, the more miserable he became. Buying more things did not make him happy. And then the unthinkable happened, Gawdat’s son, Ali died unexpectedly during a common medical procedure. And 17 days after Ali’s death, Gawdat starting writing. In Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy, he shares how science, logic and problem-solving equal happiness.

Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

After the sudden and unexpected death of his son, Mo Gawdat, Google’s Chief Business Officer, challenges himself to design an algorithm for happiness. Using logic and problem-solving, he discovers a successful equation for happy.