Surviving with the Calloways

I have just discovered Survivor’s Remorse, which is a TV show about a basketball player produced by LeBron James. Catch up on seasons one and two before season three premiers later this month!

Tournament of Sadness: Round 1

This is the first in a series of posts I will be writing to determine the most depressing movie we have in the library’s film collection. I will be watching 16 devastating movies in the coming months — feel free to join in the “fun” and share your feedback!

The Pretty One is Pretty Great

Zoe Kazan plays twins Laurel and Audrey in The Pretty One, a film about life and love and the unshakable bond between siblings.

Adventures in Regional Cinema

Lately I’ve been thinking about the idea of regional cinema – smaller, independent movies that are so much about a specific region or place, that they could not have been filmed anywhere else. Check out one of these three great examples of regional cinema from the library’s film collection.

One Shot

While this may sound like your standard issue crime drama, Victoria is thrilling, largely due to everything we see on screen being filmed in a single shot.

Adventures in Foreign Television

I am a newly minted fan of a French program called Kaboul Kitchen. If you’re looking for something TV-wise a little off the beaten path, I definitely recommend giving this show a try.