Early Learning BLAST Helping Professionals Develop

With a growing understanding of the importance of early learning, there is an increased demand for caring, passionate, qualified professionals to work with our youngest learners in early childhood centers. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Early Learning BLAST Specialists strive to provide what these educators need in the field of early literacy by offering professional development opportunities.

School Readiness: CLP Can Help!

You are your child’s first and most important teacher. The Library is ready to support you as you help your child get ready for school!

Play! : Bubble, Bubble, Pop!

Blow bubbles with the Carnegie Library at two exciting events this spring! Read on to learn more about these events and the benefits of bubble play.

All the Feels : Social-Emotional Books and Toddlers

Reading to your little one is a wonderful way to spend some special time with him or her, but it is also an opportunity to teach your toddler a little more about things they experience in life every day, including what “angry” feels like, how to cope with disappointment or why it’s worthwhile to share with a friend.

Infants and Writing Skills…How Do I Do That?

When it comes to those five early literacy skills, the term “writing” can be misleading, especially in the context of infants and babies. Read on to learn more about encouraging this early learning skill.

A Baby Book Shower: Babies Need Books from Birth

It’s never too early to start reading to your baby, and we hope that the Best Books for Babies booklist in combination with future Baby Book Showers will continue to inspire caregivers to share books with their babies.

One Book, Every Young Child 2017

In Pennsylvania, we celebrate young children all month long by highlighting and engaging in early literacy and focusing on one specific, stand out picture book. Established in 2006, One Book, Every Young Child is a collaborative effort of various organizations throughout the state that advocates and promotes the importance of early literacy skills for young children age three to six.