Tween Queens: A Tale of Two Ella’s

We all, I assume, know Disney’s iconic version of the fairy tale Cinderella. Friend to small animals, sings while scrubbing floors, love at first sight with Prince Charming, dainty feet, … Continued

Likability of the Camel Lady

Does a likable character equate to a likable book? How does an unsavory character effect ones experience of a book? These questions come to me after reading—actually, devouring—the autobiographical saga … Continued

Good Books Ruin Lives

Baskets of laundry lay wrinkling, longing to be folded or hung. Plants are thirsty. The carpet needs a thorough vacuuming. Family members shushed and neglected. I’m moving next week, and … Continued

Ordering books online from LBPH

You may have heard we have a new computer system. If you’re one of our patrons who places orders online, checks the catalog online for comprehensive lists of books, or … Continued

A Trip to the Amazon

Mystery, adventure, science, shady pharmaceutical dealings and an unassuming hero. What more could a traveler look for in a book? State of Wonder (DB73464) was an airport bookstore purchase for me years … Continued

Reader, I Read Classics

The Talking Book Topics magazine is a great way to find up-to-date suggestions on the newest digital books in the LBPH collection, but you won’t find any of the Classics … Continued

44 Scotland Street

Alexander McCall Smith has earned a following of readers for his many different series of novels. He began with the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series (DB55503), set in Botswana, … Continued