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Virtual Service Feedback

Please help us make sure that our library services are accessible and inclusive for all Pittsburghers by taking five minutes to let us know what you thought of your experience today and tell us a little something about yourself.

Each question is optional, so please only answer the questions you feel comfortable with. We will only use this data to improve our library services. Your data will not be shared, nor will you be asked to identify your name, address or library barcode.

What’s happening with my data?


What’s happening with my data

Why are you asking me for this information?

We aim to create services that are equitable, inclusive, and accessible for all Pittsburghers. We are currently measuring how effectively we are reaching our community and are looking to identify any gaps in our service. Your answers will help us build an understanding of which communities are using Library resources and which communities we may be leaving out!

What will you do with my answers?

Your answers will be aggregated with everyone else’s survey response, anonymized and summarized. We will share a summary with Library stakeholders (our staff, Board, community partners, and you –our patrons) to ensure our program design and service development are considerate of all communities, especially those that have been historically marginalized.

How and where will you store my information?

Personal information is sent directly to an internal database accessible only to library staff. Your answers will always remain anonymous and are in no way connected to your library account.

Who has access to my answers?

Only Library staff assigned to the survey project will have direct access to anonymous survey results. Aggregated summaries of data will be shared with stakeholders.

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