Public Computers, Wi-Fi and Printing
At the Library you can access the internet, computers and affordable printing, even if you don't have a library card. You can also build your technology skills using classes, online programs or one-on-one assistance.
Internet, Public Computers and Printing
- Free Wi-Fi can be used within any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location from any device.
- PCs are available at all of our libraries for writing resumes, professional and personal documents, budgeting spreadsheets and general internet access. Time limits for public computers may apply if others are waiting to use the computer.
- Guests can use Library printers for a small fee. Print from a Library computer or connect to wireless printing from your laptop.
Computer & Technology Skills
Use our PCs to learn current skills such as computing basics and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher) to help with personal computing projects, advance in your current job or prepare for a new career. Staff at any of our neighborhood locations can assist you.
We also provide free computer classes covering topics such as basic computing, Gmail, Microsoft Office Suite software (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher), cloud-computing basics and career readiness.
Supplement the hands-on training you receive at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh with CLP’s free access to Lynda.com, the premier service for online video tutorials on software, creative and business skills.
Wireless Printing
You can print directly from your laptop or mobile device at any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location. Choose a CLP branch below for instructions. You will be charged the standard per-page rate when you pick up your documents.
Select the page for your location below.