Take a Father to School Day

Pittsburgh Public Schools will be celebrating Take a Father to School Day on May 19th. This is a day when students are invited to bring a supportive male adult to school with them. Here are a few books to celebrate positive male role models in the lives of children. 

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If you’re looking for more book suggestions, we’re happy to recommend them to you! Use this Book Recommendation form to send us some information about what you like to read and we’ll curate a list just for you.    

If you have any additional questions, you can contact a librarian through FacebookInstagram or TwitterYou can also call us at 412-622-3114 or email us at info@carnegielibrary.org

Bathe the Cat

Dad has posted a list of chores for the family to do before grandma comes, including bathing the cat; but the cat does not want a bath, so she mixes up the instructions, and soon the family is mowing the floor, vacuuming the lawn, mopping the baby–and the house is in chaos. You can also check out this title as eBook on Hoopla.

Dad Bakes

Dad rises before the sun, goes to work at the bakery where he kneads, rolls, and bakes bread, and as the world starts its day, Dad heads home to his young daughter where they play, read, and bake together.

Eyes That Speak to the Stars

A young Asian boy notices that his eyes look different from his peers’ after seeing his friend’s drawing of them. After talking to his father, the boy realizes that his eyes rise to the skies and speak to the stars, shine like sunlit rays, and glimpse trails of light from those who came before–in fact, his eyes are like his father’s, his agong’s, and his little brother’s, and they are visionary. Inspired by the men in his family, he recognizes his own power and strength from within. This title is also available for checkout in eAudio on Hoopla and in eAudio on Libby. 

Hair Twins

Follows a Sikh father and his daughter as they go through their daily hair routine.

In Plain Sight

An ailing grandfather and his helpful granddaughter play a unique game of seek and find. You can also check out this title as an eBook on Libby.

Jabari Tries

Jabari is making a flying machine all by himself, but when it doesn’t work the way he imagined, he learns about perseverance and problem-solving. You can also check out this title as an eBook on Libby.

My Papi Has a Motorcycle

When Daisy Ramona zooms around her neighborhood with her papi on his motorcycle, she sees the people and places she’s always known. She also sees a community that is rapidly changing around her. You can also check out this title as an eBook or eAudio on Libby and as an eAudio on Hoopla.

Tad and Dad

A growing tadpole loves his frog dad so much he never gives him a moment’s peace. You can also check out this title as an eBook on Libby

Where Are You From?

When a young girl is asked where she’s from—where she’s really from—she’s no longer as she was. She decides to turn to her dear abuelo for some help with this ever-persistent question. But he doesn’t quite give her the answer she expects. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Hoopla.