Film and Photography
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s express permission is required for any filming or photography in Library buildings.
The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which Library space may be used for still photography, filming and/or video production. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s express permission is required for any filming or photography in Library buildings or at Library sponsored events by professional, commercial, student or news photographers or filmmakers or by other Library visitors/users wishing to take pictures or film for commercial and/or personal purposes.
All photography/filming requests, regardless of location, are coordinated by the Library’s Communications & Creative Services Department. In addition, all Library rules and regulations must be followed and there shall be no interference with the ongoing operations of the Library and the work of its staff.
The Library reserves the right to prohibit any filming or photography for any reason, including, but not limited to, if the filming or photography creates the potential for: (i) disruption of business; (ii) damage to or alteration of Library property; (iii) inappropriate use of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s name, logo or image; (iv) disruption of pedestrian pathways; (v) other safety hazards; (vi) violations of the Library’s privacy policies; or (vii) individual or corporate financial gain.
PROCEDURES: (For specific types of filming and photography)
Wedding, Engagement and Portrait Photography:
Wedding and portrait photography on Library property is granted under limited conditions. All photography must take place before/after the Library’s normal operating hours. A rental fee of $225.00 per hour with a 1-hour minimum is required. Parties must request permission to take photographs in writing. Approval of photography consent is contingent upon facility and staffing availability. The process for requesting permission is detailed below.
Commercial Photography (for profit) Requests:
Filmmaking or photography that is intended for individual and/or corporate financial gain is coordinated by the Library’s Communications & Creative Services Department. Approval is at the discretion of the Library’s President & Director and is contingent upon facility and staffing availability. All professional photography/filmmaking must take place before/after the Library’s normal operating hours and all equipment must be removed during the Library’s operating hours. Rental fees will be negotiated based on project scope. The process for requesting permission is detailed below.
Non-commercial (private use) Photography or Filming:
Non-commercial photography or filming (such as a visiting Library professional, casual tourist or Library user who wants to record a visit or capture a building’s architecture) is generally allowed within the Library without prior written permission provided that such activity does not capture identifiable likenesses of individuals without their written permission. Individuals who photograph or film must honor requests from Library users and staff who do not want to be included in photos or film. Equipment, such as tripods, may not obstruct passageways or cause disturbances to Library users. The Library reserves the right to cease photography or filming if it results in disruption of the ordinary Library environment or operations. All photography or filming is at the discretion of the Library’s Communications & Creative Services Office. Library staff who are approached for permission to photograph or film at their location should call the Communications Manager at 412-578-2458.
News-related Photography:
The Library’s Communications & Creative Services staff will consider reasonable requests for journalistic, news-related, non-commercial shooting, but reserves the right to deny permission for any reason. Requests to film or photograph news-related projects should be directed to the Communications Manager at 412.578.2458 or Advanced notification is not required for news-related photography.
Library Photography or Filming:
Occasionally Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh staff may elect to photograph or film Library programs and/or events. The Library reserves the right to include these images in brochures, flyers, web pages, news releases or other promotional materials, as well as make them available to media outlets and event participants. When names or images are used by the Library for publicity or other Library-related uses, the Library obtains customer permission or allows patrons to “opt out” of having their image taken. Photography of copyrighted material must comply with copyright law.
Student Requests:
Students working on class projects or submissions for the Library’s Teen Media Awards must obtain prior permission to photograph or film within the Library. Please contact the Office of Communications & Creative Services ( for approval.
Requests for Permission to Film or Take Photographs
Non-news related requests should be made in writing to the Library’s Office of Communications & Creative Services as soon as possible in order to secure appropriate permissions and staffing. Requests made less than 30 business days will not be considered. All requests for filming or photography should be made to the Library’s Communications Manager, at and must include the following information:
- Name and description of the organization or individual making the request.
- Project description, including the context and way in which the Library is to be portrayed and the intended use of the resulting material.
- Date(s) requested.
- Time and duration of proposed shoot. All portrait photography and professional photography/filmmaking must take place before/after the Library’s normal operating hours and all equipment must be removed during the Library’s operating hours.
- Specific site(s) requested. (Requests absent specific locations will not be considered.)
- Number of people and amount and type of equipment involved, including vehicles.
- Potential disruption (sound, light, physical, etc.) of Library activities.
- Location releases, if necessary, must be submitted for review by the Library in advance.
- Proof of adequate insurance coverage and indemnity. (Student photographers/filmmakers are exempt.)
Rental fees begin at $225.00 per hour with a one hour minimum and will be negotiated based on project scope. Student photographers/filmmakers are exempt, but must obtain prior permission from the Library’s Office of Communications & Creative Services.
Approval of all outside photography/film requests are at the discretion of the Library’s President & Director and are contingent upon facility and staffing availability.
Additional Guidelines:
- Use of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s name, logos, trademarks or images in connection with any photograph or film is prohibited without written permission by the Library.
- Photos of minors are prohibited at all times without the written permission of their parent or guardian.
- Photography of copyrighted material must comply with Library policy PS-29.
- No major set construction or alteration of buildings is permitted.
- Library staff, including members of the Library’s Communications & Creative Services staff, are not available to scout locations.
- All areas occupied in connection with the filming/photographing must be returned to their normal conditions.
- Applicants must not make any connections to the electrical system other than through plugging into standard duplex receptacles. Covers from electrical panels or boxes must not be removed.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Director, Communication & Creative Services.