Why listen to an audio book with your preschooler when you could just as easily read to them? It’s a good question. Listening to audio books together can be fun and engaging. While not a replacement for reading aloud together, audio books can help children to expand their imaginations while practicing important early literacy skills.
Audio books are an especially important tool for children who are blind or visually impaired. Children with visual impairments need exposure to information presented across formats, so doing so from an early age is essential.
When selecting titles, keep them short. For children this age, rhyming books are always a win. The narrator matters, so make it an engaging one.
Use the player together. Teach your child how to turn it on. Teach them how to insert a cartridge. Start small, scaling up as you and your child get more comfortable with the player. For older children, teach them how to plug the charging cord into an outlet. Give them responsibility of the player.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.: DBC08611
They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel: DB88529