When we think of children learning, we usually think about learning that takes place inside of a school. But for our little ones especially, learning isn’t relegated to a classroom, or even an afterschool program–it happens every time a young child picks up a toy, uses her senses, talks with a caregiver, hears a song or creates with her imagination.

The Library’s Family PlayShop program invites young children birth to age five to learn and grow at a library playtime. Children can explore toys and activities that encourage creativity and healthy development. Parents and caregivers can bond with their babies, toddlers or preschoolers while meeting other adults with young children.
Family PlayShop’s stress-free environment is also a great place to ask questions and get answers. While you play, each week you’ll have the chance to chat with a child development expert like a doctor, speech therapist or dentist, about potty training, milestones, health and more. Librarians will have information about early literacy and the five simple activities–talking, reading, writing, singing and playing–that prepare a young child for later school success.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh believes that parents are their child’s first and best teachers. Research tells us that playing with our children allows kids to develop the benefits of play at a faster rate than if they had played without an adult. The benefits of play are extensive, and the ways to play are endless! Problem-solving skills, critical thinking, social skills, self-confidence, fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial reasoning, language, and vocabulary are all developed, supported and enhanced through play.
Research tells us that playing with our children allows kids to develop the benefits of play at a faster rate than if they had played without an adult.
So between October and November, check out Family PlayShop with your early learner at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Come to one session or come to them all. Registration isn’t necessary, and programs are free. You may just make a friend or two, leave with information about how to further support your child’s growth and development, and discover the joy of play and learning.
Erin Z. is the Early Learning Lead Librarian for Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. She’s also the mother of an opinionated three-year-old (what three-year-old isn’t opinionated?!) and a very smiley baby. This means that Erin eats, sleeps (not often) and breathes little kids—and she always has spit up on her sweaters.