Always Available on Hoopla: Mindfulness and Meditation

Sometimes current events can feel overwhelming. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help reduce anxiety and boost resilience. These self-care titles are always available as eBooks through Hoopla.

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The following titles are exclusive to Hoopla:

The Art of Breathing: The Secret to Living Mindfully by Danny Penman
A concise guide to finding peace in a messy world, by taking the time to breathe

The Worry-Free Mind: Train Your Brain, Calm the Stress Spin Cycle, and Discover a Happier, More Productive You by Carol Kershaw and Bill Wade
Exercises to shatter the illusions that keep us in a state of constant worry

The Power of Now

Using a question-and-answer format, Eckhart seeks to show that people carry within them a “seed of enlightenment” that can help them find their true wealth–the “radiant joy of Being and the…peace that comes with it.” The best-selling book about connecting with the essence of our Being. This title is also available on Hoopla as an eBook, and on Libby/Overdrive as eAudio and eBook.