Here to Help: ESL

For life’s big and small moments Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh staff have created Here to Help booklists. Here to Help booklists provide information and support in navigating life experiences. Librarians at your neighborhood library are here to help too and can offer suggestions for these or other topics of interest, as well as community information and resources. Through these booklists you can create opportunities to find connection, solace, comfort, or information for action.

The books in this list provide information and resources for adults about learning English. 

Not every book is available at all locations, but any title can be requested. Feel free to suggest some titles to us. New books are always being added to the collection.  

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If you are new to our eResources, check out these tutorial videos on how to get started.     

If you’re looking for more book suggestions, we’re happy to recommend them to you! Use this Book Recommendation form to send us some information about what you like to read and we’ll curate a list just for you.    

If you have any additional questions, you can contact a librarian through FacebookInstagram or XYou can also call us at 412-622-3114 or email us at 

101 Truquitos Para Speak English De Una Vez Por Todas

¿Respondes el mítico fine, thank you cuando te preguntan cómo estás? ¿Confundes palabras que suenan igual y escribes igual palabras que son diferentes? ¿Hay expresiones típicas que nunca sabes cómo decir o que se te quedan on the tip of your tongue? Sea cual sea tu nivel, este libro es para ti. Dale vidilla a tu inglés, convierte a los false friends en tus besties y descubre cómo una small talk puede salvarte del silencio incómodo del ascensor.

English for Everyone: Illustrated English Dictionary

Illustrated English Dictionary uses crystal-clear illustrations to show the meaning of over 10,000 words of English vocabulary. The words are shown in a visual context in themed sections covering practical or everyday topics (such as shopping, food, or study), providing learners with all the vocabulary they need for work, travel, and leisure.

Inglés Para Latinos: Primer Nivel

Diseñado para enseñar a los hispanos en los Estados Unidos y Canadá un conocimiento práctico del inglés. Actualizada con frases adicionales de uso común, nuevas preguntas y respuestas para la práctica y la revisión, y ayudas para la escucha como cajas de búsqueda de la palabra, palabras mezcladas y crucigramas, la nueva edición de este programa informal de aprendizaje de idiomas se ha creado para dar a los hispanos en los Estados Unidos y Canadá un conocimiento práctico del inglés.

Perfect Phrases for ESL: Conversation Skills - Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases that Help You Express Your Thoughts, Ideas, and Feelings in English Conversations of All Types

If you’re an intermediate level speaker of English, you know that idiomatic speech, slang and other English phrases can create a barrier to conversing confidently in casual and work-related situations. In Perfect Phrases for ESL: Conversation Skills, Premium Third Edition you’ll find a phrase guide that allows you to say the right words at the right time in any setting with perfect confidence.

Basic English

The most effective way to learn any new language is to practice, practice, and practice some more–and no other workbooks put as much emphasis on this as the Practice Makes Perfect series. In it, you’ll find all the practice you need, presented in easily managed short units (each taking about 20 minutes to complete), along with clear explanations of grammar and a solid grounding in basic vocabulary.

English Grammar for ESL Learners

Understanding the rules of grammar is the first step in learning a language, and extensive practice will help you gain mastery. In Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners, Premium Fourth Edition , you’ll get the best of both worlds, with crystal-clear explanations, realistic examples, and dozens of exercises in an engaging variety of formats.


English For Dummies is packed with clear explanations of English grammar, usage, slang and more, all in an easy-to-follow format. Study at your own pace, in the comfort of your home, with this essential guide for anyone who wants to learn English.