Stray City

Andrea Morales has found her place in the world after being cut off from her biological family for being gay. She’s a part of a thriving community in the Portland of the 1990s, going to shows, putting on art exhibits, and having family dinners with her close friends. When her girlfriend breaks up with her and takes up with a close ex of Andrea’s, her life spirals downward. A chance conversation at a bar at her lowest point leads to a place Andrea never expected to be: accidentally pregnant by a man.

Luckily this is not a tale of a heterosexual relationship masked in the guise of an LGBTQ book. It’s a story of finding what you want in life through the choices, intentional or not, that you make, and about trusting yourself. Andrea has to face losing her chosen family to go with her instincts, and, as the book goes forward in time, we get to see how that works out, and the transformations that love can take.

Stray City

Andrea Morales, part of the Portland Lesbian Mafia in the 1990s, has a crisis of identity when her girlfriend dumps her, starts dating her ex, and she falls into a fling with a touring drummer, a man. Unable to risk being ostracized by her chosen family, Andrea keeps it a secret until an accidental pregnancy forces her to make choices. The second half of the book, set later in life, examines how these choices have shaped Andrea, her community, and her family.