Summer Reading: Find Your Voice – Children’s Picks

CLP’s Summer Reading theme for 2023 is Find Your Voice. Of course, how folks find and share their voice looks a bit different for everyone. In these titles, you’ll see characters’ unique journeys towards developing greater confidence as friends, creators, advocates, and more.

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If you’re looking for more book suggestions, we’re happy to recommend them to you! Use this Book Recommendation form to send us some information about what you like to read and we’ll curate a list just for you.    

If you have any additional questions, you can contact a librarian through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You can also call us at 412-622-3114 or email us at  

Abdul's Story

Abdul loves telling stories but thinks his messy handwriting and spelling mistakes will keep him from becoming an author, until Mr. Muhammad visits and encourages him to persist. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Overdrive/Libby. 

Abuelita and Me

A girl and her beloved abuelita lean on each other as they contend with racism while running errands in the city. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Hoopla. 

Attack of the Black Rectangles

When sixth grader Mac discovers several words of his classroom copy of Jane Yolen’s The Devil’s Arithmetic are blacked out, he is outraged. So Mac, his friends, and his eccentric family set out to do something about the censorship imposed by one teacher and the school board. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Overdrive/Libby or as eAudio on Hoopla. 

Barakah Beats

It’s Nimra Sharif’s first time going to public school, and she’s nervous. Unfortunately, middle school is hard. The teachers are mean, the schedule is confusing, and her best friend Jenna is giving hijab-wearing Nimra the cold shoulder around the other kids. Desperate to fit in and save her friendship with Jenna, Nimra accepts an unlikely invitation to join Barakah Beats. The only problem is, Nimra was taught that music isn’t allowed in Islam. Nimra has to decide whether to betray her new friends or herself. 

This title is also available for checkout as eAudio on Hoopla. 

Fly On the Wall

Twelve-year-old Henry Khoo embarks on a forbidden journey from Australia to Singapore to prove his independence to his overprotective family, while working out some problems with friends.

Harry Versus the First 100 Days of School

Harry Bergen-Murphy does not feel ready when he starts first grade, but by day 100 he has become an expert on several important things, including being a first-grader. 

Nikhil Out Loud

Thirteen-year-old Nikhil Shah is the beloved voice actor for Raj Reddy on the hit animated series Raj Reddy in Outer Space. But being a star on TV doesn’t mean you have everything figured out behind the scenes. When his mom temporarily moves them to the small town in Ohio where she grew up to take care of Nikhil’s sick grandfather, Nikhil feels as out of orbit as his character. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Hoopla or as eAudio on Hoopla. 

Punky Aloha

Punky loves to do a lot of things except meeting new friends. She doesn’t feel brave enough. So, when her grandmother asks her to go out and grab butter for her famous banana bread, Punky hesitates. But with the help of her grandmother’s magical sunglasses, and with a lot of aloha in her heart, Punky sets off on a BIG adventure for the very first time. 

Speak Up!

Mia has always struggled to fit into a world that doesn’t see her true autistic self. While she wishes she could speak up, she’s only been able to say what she feels through music. With the help of her best friend, Charlie, Mia has taken the internet by storm as the viral singer Elle-Q. But when faced with the chance to perform live, Mia must decide if she’ll let what other people think get in the way of showing everyone who she is and what she has to say. 

This title is also available for checkout as an eBook on Overdrive/Libby. 

The Swag is In the Socks

Twelve-year-old Xavier Moon gets the courage to step out of the shadows when his great-uncle gives him some outlandish socks and some even stranger requests. 

This title is also available for checkout as eAudio on Overdrive/Libby.