An Unconventional Beach Read

If you’re looking for a quick read with a dash of creepy for your summer travels, David Mitchell’s Slade House might be right up your alley. Slade House is the ultimate haunted mansion, but few have seen it, as it can only be accessed by a magic door that appears in a dark side street once every nine years by a person who is chosen to find it. What lies on the other side of the door is unique to each person who walks through it—because the spirits who lure victims to Slade House want to ensure that no one leaves. Part ghost story, part horror film homage, Mitchell tells the engrossing tales of the house’s victims through the decades, and gives us a look into the minds of the terrible twins who use Slade House to fuel their immortality.

Slade House

Every nine years, an invitation is extended to a lonely individual to visit Slade House. The mansion can only be accessed by a door that appears in a small, dark alley, and those who enter through it rarely return. Spanning five decades, this novel tells the stories of Slade House’s victims, and what they find on the other side of that mysterious door.