Best Books for Babies 2016
A group of Pittsburgh librarians and child development experts selected the Best Books for Babies published in 2015. Share them with a baby in your life!
Best Books for Babies 2011
A group of Pittsburgh librarians and child development experts selected the Best Books for Babies published in 2010. Share them with a baby in your life!
Dothead: Poems
Dothead: Poems uses playful anger to navigate Indian ancestry.
Sometimes you need a Poem
From school to family to friends, from Grrrr to Hooray!, Judith Viorst takes us on a tour of feelings of all kinds in this thoughtful, funny, and charming collection of poetry that’s perfect for young readers just learning to sort out their own emotions.
In Other Words: Great Translations and an Adaptation
Get to know new authors and explore global literature! From Russia to Libya, from Chile to Chechnya, these books combine great authors with their fantastic translators.
Celebrate Teen Read Week October 9-15, 2016
“Read for the fun of it” with these great middle school recommendations from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teen Specialists!
8 Must-Reads by Latino Authors
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15) with these 8 must-reads by Latino authors for kids, teens, and adults.
These poems are raw, fierce, angry, hungry, sexy, driven by waves of love and necessity.
Reading Outside My Comfort Zone
These five books don’t fall into my favorite genres and that’s exactly why they helped me get out of my reading funk!
Tales for Tweens
These tales are the perfect stories for middle grade readers. Full of adventure, mystery, and friendship, there’s sure to be a title for every tween!