Welcome to Jupiter

Do you find yourself constantly pondering about the universe and all the secrets it holds? I did, but now that I’ve read a few books on theoretical physics, I’m light years beyond where I was before. In celebration of NASA’s Juno mission, let’s go to “Infinity and Beyond.”

A Clean Slate!

With lots of cheer leading from my co-worker, I got the idea into my head to make soap myself. Here’s a list of some of my favorite soap-making books.

Hero or Traitor?

Anyone else here obsessed with the Serial podcast? I listened to the whole first season in one sitting. Yes, that’s 12 hours. No, I didn’t talk to anyone or move.

50 Cakes Project Update

Remember when I said I wanted to bake 50 cakes in one year? This ridiculous undertaking is still going on, but here’s my progress so far along with my favorite cookbooks.