5 Questions With… J.J. Hensley

Pittsburgh’s own J.J. Hensley brought some suspense to our Summer Reading book list with Resolve, his award-winning thriller that centers on the Pittsburgh Marathon. J.J’s upcoming novel Bolt Action Remedy, which will come out in October, takes the action to a small town in Central PA. J.J. will be appearing at CLP – Mount Washington at 6:30 on Thursday, August 24th

#PGHReads: Moonglow by Michael Chabon

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Pittsburgh-native Michael Chabon’s latest novel is an absorbing fictional memoir that is based in large part based on a dying man’s recollections to his writer-grandson as he looks back on his life. Inspired by Chabon’s own deathbed visit to his grandfather in Oakland, California in the 1980s, the author blurs the line between autobiography and outlandish fiction so successfully that the reader has no idea what is true and what’s pure fantasy (although we can hazard a guess at times).

#PGHReads: The Great American Whatever

After Quinn’s sister, Annabeth, dies in a car accident, he stops going to classes and retreats from society. When summer arrives, all he’s accomplished is stacking up a ton pizza boxes and running out of clean shirts. Dreams of filmmaking classes with his sister have evaporated, but he’s kept the half-finished application. Just as his mother can’t get rid of Annabeth’s expired snacks, he can’t bring himself to part with this last memory.

You Did It!

Congratulations, Pittsburgh – you just read 90,000 books!