Getting it Together

Confession time: I have recently become obsessed with bullet journals. It’s an organization system that takes the idea of keeping a planner, a myriad of Post-It to-do lists, and a journal and then throws them into a blender. You can keep all of that stuff tied together in one handy, non-digital notebook, hopefully with the result of being super productive.

Books, Glory, Awesomeness… How A YA Trivia Contest Reignited This Librarian’s Reading Fire

For those not in the know, Battle of the Books is like pub trivia without the booze, that instead focuses on a specific book list for each participating grade level, all while bringing TONS of teens from all over the city and county together in their love of reading (and the thrill of competition!). One of my favorite parts about this program is the collaboration that goes into suggesting book titles to make the final cut, which happens across the Library and even beyond Teen Services (teamwork makes the dream work!). And if you’re anything like me, you get to experience a new genre/author/writing style than what you might normally pick out for yourself to read.

For the Folk (pt.3)

In this third installment of our short series of Folk-Blogs, I want to mention my love for the work the Smithsonian does, especially for the preservation of folk music through … Continued

My Year of Reading Memoir: Born A Crime by Trevor Noah

I fell in love with memoir a few years ago, and authors are publishing new and exciting stories about their lives all the time. Each month I’ll highlight a different memoir, and I invite you to read along with me! This month I read Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime­. Despite my mild fandom, it became abundantly clear upon reading the inside jacket how little I knew about the remarkable circumstances of Noah’s early life.

On Mindfulness

We live busy lives.  There are appointments to make, goals to achieve, and family and friends to engage with.  When we have a few moments there’s music to listen to, … Continued

Donald Glover, the Triple Threat

Recently, actor Donald Glover won two Golden Globes for his new TV show Atlanta, which is one of my favorite TV shows that debuted last fall. Glover is a man of many talents. In addition to acting, he’s also a rapper and goes by the moniker, Childish Gambino. Back in December, Glover released his third album called Awaken, My Love. This album is vastly different from his previous albums, Camp and Because The Internet. Glover is known primarily as a rapper who sometimes sings but on this album he doesn’t rap at all. It was a surprising change, but it works.

January is Braille Literacy Month!

Literacy doesn’t look the same for everyone, but it’s absolutely essential that we promote all kids of literacy, including braille literacy.

Tournament of Sadness: Round 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts I will be writing to determine the most depressing movie we have in the library’s film collection. I will be watching 16 devastating movies in the coming months — feel free to join in the “fun” and share your feedback!