
Scarlett has always played it safe, but she longs to visit Caraval, an enchanted world where magic exists so strongly and powerfully that you have to remind yourself that it’s just a game.

Black Hole

Journey down the creepiest “Black Hole” you can imagine in this graphic novel by Charles Burns.

Dysfunctional Fun for the Holidays

If you too are visiting loved ones this holiday season, take a moment to ponder how lucky you are that you don’t belong to the following families.

Dunbar, the Modern Mad King

‘I really did have an empire, you know,’ said Dunbar. ‘Have I ever told you the story of how it was stolen from me?’

Let’s All Go to a Wedding

Pittsburgh Opera continues its 2017-2018 season with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Follow the crazy plot as you root for the young lovers, Figaro and Susanna, and hope the philandering Count Almaviva learns his lesson.

Real Fiction

Have you ever read something that feels real despite being a work of fiction? These titles blur the line between reality and imagination.