Middle Grade Books for Younger Readers

Some middle grade fiction tackles mature topics that younger kids may not be ready for. Books written for younger kids avoid those topics but might be too easy for an advanced reader. Each child is different, and you know your young reader best. With that said, you may find this list of gentler middle grade titles helpful. 

The Aquanaut

Check out this wonderfully weird and original graphic novel that’s full of humor and heart. 

Crack the Code

As the weather turns colder, it is the perfect time for puzzles and games. Puzzles help children build necessary skills, like problem solving, concentration, and reasoning. Filled with secret codes and puzzling mysteries, these titles will keep aspiring spies and coders busy for days. 

Folktales & Legends

As the days become shorter, the nights grow longer. Autumn evenings are perfect for sharing folktales and ghost stories.

Not-So-Scary Ghost Stories

These picture books are great for young kids who are interested in scary books. Books are an excellent way to deal with things that might scare us. They have the power to expose children to powerful emotions and allow them to grapple with their own fears in safety. 


How do you feel? Learning to identify emotions is an essential skill for young children. When children can understand their own feelings, as well as the feelings of the people around them, they are able to thrive socially. Having well developed emotional awareness will eventually prepare children for success in a classroom setting, so here are some CLP “feelings favorites” to help support this important learning. 

Best Books for Babies 2022

  The Best Books for Babies Committee has been meeting for over 20 years and some members have participated since the beginning. Our goal is to identify books that are … Continued