Independence Day Reads for Kids and Teens

What’s blue and white and read all over? Books, of course! Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has a wide selection of print and digital titles to commemorate the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776.

Preschool Booklist: The Pittsburgh Ready Project

The Pittsburgh Ready project links the Library with child care providers to share robust early literacy resources. If you are looking for a wonderful title to share with a preschooler, check out some of the titles on this list. 

Baby Booklist: The Pittsburgh Ready Project

The Pittsburgh Ready project links the Library with child care providers to share robust early literacy resources. If you are looking for a wonderful title to share with a baby, check out some of the titles on this list. 

Bisa Butler Inspired Fabric Collage

This year’s national Black History Month theme is: 2021- The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity. These resources dig into the work of Bisa Butler and other Black quilters, storytellers and fiber artists.