Welcome to Pittsburgh: Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror

What if UFOs landed at the Point? What if all that was left of the city was a virtual reality archive? What if we slipped into Elfland? Check out these sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles set in Pittsburgh to find out.

Can’t Wait for More WandaVision?

  As you wait for more exciting revelations, why not check out some of the comics storylines that helped inspire the show? Published in 1982, Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch begins … Continued

Speculative, Surreal and Uncanny Short Fiction Collections

The speculative is a space in fiction where the unexpected and impossible can creep in. These recent collections of short stories all deal in the speculative fiction realm but vary in approach and tone. Take a look and find one to suit your mood! 

Ready Player Two

If you read “Ready Player One,” you know it’s a sci-fi treasure hunt brimming with nerdy nostalgia. Author Ernest Cline has delivered again in the sequel, “Ready Player Two.” Are you ready to jump into the OASIS for another egg hunt? Strap on your haptic gloves and log in!