Tween Queens: A Tale of Two Ella’s

We all, I assume, know Disney’s iconic version of the fairy tale Cinderella. Friend to small animals, sings while scrubbing floors, love at first sight with Prince Charming, dainty feet, … Continued

The Night the Trees Came

Working at a library has always provided a never-ending list of titles to add to my reading list. One such moment occurred when I was adding audio books to the … Continued

Tolkien’s Silmarillion

The universe that JRR Tolkien created in his books is richly textured and expansive. Middle Earth is an amazing creation from one of the most beloved writers of the 20th … Continued

Three Fairy Tales to Read After You Watch Beauty and the Beast

Did you see the Beauty and the Beast live action film yet? I recently did, and it made me think of all the fairy tale retellings that are published and made. Fairy tales were first told to teach children lessons; it wasn’t until Disney’s series of animated films like Snow White and Cinderella that they became more like the stories we see and hear today. That hasn’t stopped people from retelling them in a variety of ways. Here are three recent retellings that you may find interesting if you love Beauty and the Beast.

Discworld – The Watch Books

If you aren’t familiar with Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series of books, I’m here to tell you to read one. Any one. Just read one. You’ll know if it’s for you … Continued

Science Fiction & Fantasy by Women of Color

I read a lot of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Seriously, A LOT. Growing up, I cut my teeth on Anne McCaffery’s Dragonriders of Pern series and Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon. Later, it was The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Sadly, many people still think Science Fiction and Fantasy novels are written mostly by white anglo-saxon men for white anglo-saxon men (think J. R. R. Tolkein or George R. R. Martin). However, there are a number of fantastic female authors of color rocking both genres today.