Gotta Have Faith

“Wham!” said the headline, “star George Michael dies.” And that’s how I read it. If you pretend for a moment that Wham! isn’t the name of a band, the statement … Continued

Is X-Men: Apocalypse Really That Bad?

Normally when critics eviscerate a movie as universally and thoroughly as they did X-Men: Apocalypse I wouldn’t bother seeing it. However, I love the X-Men universe and only one movie has left a sour taste in my mouth (X-Men: The Last Stand—can we please pretend this movie never happened?), so I sat down with an open mind and hoped that one of my favorite childhood superhero franchises hadn’t been ruined beyond all possible redemption.

Tony and Susan’s Nocturnal Animals, Part II

The one thing I’m looking forward to in November–aside from ritualized gluttony–is Tom Ford’s Nocturnal Animals, the director’s adaptation of Austin Wright’s novel, Tony and Susan

Cine Latino

Recently, media outlet Univision came out with a list of the 50 Best Movies from Latin America. I have some issues with this list, like including the movie The Headless Woman, which I thought was terrible; and they didn’t mention Even the Rain, which is my favorite movie of all time. So here’s my own list of noteworthy Latin American movies that I’ve watched over the past few months.

“Time is a precious thing. Never waste it.”

With a distinctive voice and a sparkle in his eye, Gene Wilder lit up the screen whenever he appeared. He starred in several of my all-time favorite movies, including two of Mel Brooks’s best, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

La La Land Looks La La Lovely

Whiplash director Damian Chazelle has a new film opening December 16 starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. Take a look at some of the actors’ previous collaborations and the director’s first film.

Armchair Philosophy

I love reading accessible philosophy, the stuff that takes philosophy out of the ivory tower. Here are some things I’ve read and watched lately that have been of particular interest.