“Time is a precious thing. Never waste it.”

With a distinctive voice and a sparkle in his eye, Gene Wilder lit up the screen whenever he appeared. He starred in several of my all-time favorite movies, including two of Mel Brooks’s best, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

Take the Bus

In an effort to help improve accessibility for public transit and pedestrian commuters in Pittsburgh, the city has adopted a Complete Streets initiative to help make roads and sidewalks more … Continued

Childhood Favorites

Working in the Children’s Department, I am often reminded of books that I have long forgotten. Whether it’s a patron asking for a specific location of a book or a child in need of recommendations, some of my all-time favorites have begun to resurface right before my eyes.

Tournament of Sadness: Round 2

This is the second in a series of posts I will be writing to determine the most depressing movie we have in the library’s film collection. I will be watching 16 devastating movies in the coming months — feel free to join in the “fun” and share your feedback!

A New Point of View

Have you ever wondered how your favorite authors think, write and feel about literature, culture, music and current events? Then take a peek inside Neil Gaiman’s head with The View from the Cheap Seats.

Fall is for Foodies

I love autumn.  I love the crisp breezes, the rustling of the leaves, and the rich smell of the earth.  Autumn always puts me in the mood to cook, too, … Continued