Mix it Up! by Hervé Tullet
Peeking in on a Super Science program at CLP – Hill District a curious observer might exclaim “What is that Librarian doing to that poor book!” French author and illustrator … Continued
Sweet Summer Reads
Gobble up some great summer reads with these sticky sweet reads for kids!
Library Tales for Little Ones
Libraries are wonderful places to visit with children. For little ones, they can be exciting and delightful, but sometimes a bit overwhelming. When entering a library, toddlers might exclaim with … Continued
Picture Books that Inspire Imagination
Our imagination allows us to visit new worlds, embark on fantastic adventures, and meet extraordinary friends. These books will inspire creativity and spark the imagination in children of any age.
Silly Stories About Books
Do you love books? Do you love silly stories? Check out these picture books for a goofy antics and silly scenarios all about books.
Crayons and Almost Monsters
This book is cancelled, but someone forgot to tell Frankencrayon! The crayons are ready to star in their first book when a scribble causes problems.
Garden Miracles
Children are naturally curious about the miracles of the natural world. Indulge them with these great books!
Here to Help: Books about School
From first day jitters to challenges in the classroom, these picture books for ages 3-8 cover a variety to topics about school.
Nearly Wordless Picture Books
Find some hilarious, inventive quirky picture books that are nearly wordless!
Here to Help: Books about Day Care
Going to day care for the first time is exciting and scary! Help prepare your little one with some of these books.