Presidential Debates: Past and Present

September 29th marks the beginning of the first presidential debate leading up to the 2020 Election between current president and Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and Democratic nominee, Joe Biden. Learn about the history and structure of these events, along with staff-selected digital resources and book recommendations.

Best Books for Babies 2020

So far, not much about 2020 has been predictable. And much of it has been unsettling at best. But one thing that we can count on is that babies keep … Continued

Banned Books Week 2020

Sometimes there are good reasons for a book to be removed from the library. It may contain information that’s out-of-date. Maybe the pages are falling out. Perhaps an excited child … Continued

Real Imaginary Lives

It’s fascinating to think about the lives of historical figures. Perhaps that’s why so many authors try their hands at imagining the internal and external lives of famous figures, bringing them closer to the world of contemporary readers by coloring facts and dates with feelings and fiction.

COVID-19: Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is an important tool in understanding and preventing the spread of COVID-19. It is important to know what a legitimate contact tracer will and will not ask you … Continued