Behind the Scenes at the Library

In honor of director Frederick Wiseman’s 42nd documentary, Ex Libris, local arts organization Pittsburgh Filmmakers is hosting Library Week at the Melwood and Regent Square Theaters. For those unfamiliar with … Continued

Music to Our Ears

Fans of traditional Appalachian folk music are in for a special treat this upcoming Friday, July 14th when the North Carolina two piece House and Land roll into Pittsburgh for a free lunchtime concert.

Welcome to Pittsburgh: The Steps of Pittsburgh

According to Bob Regan’s Pittsburgh Steps: The Story of the City’s Public Stairways, Pittsburgh has, “more city steps and bridges than any other city in the world.” Additionally: Pittsburgh has hundreds of streets complete with street signs, and oftentimes houses, composed entirely of steps. These “paper streets” are municipal rights-of-way and appear on many maps as valid thoroughfares, much to the consternation of unsuspecting motorists.

Coming Soon to Pittsburgh: Theremania!!!

The Theremin was one of the very first electronic instruments. It is the only musical instrument that is played without being physically touched. Stop by the CLP – Main International Poetry Room on Thursday, May 18th, 12 – 1 pm for a free lunchtime lecture and performance by world-class thereminist Pamelia Stickney as part of a day long Theremania!!! celebration.

Welcome to Pittsburgh: Bike Trails!

This past Saturday, April 8th, was National Opening Day for Rail-Trails across the country. As I’ve shared in the past, I’m a huge fan of of the many bike trails in and around the city of Pittsburgh. In celebration of Opening Day, I’m going to share three easy-to-moderate bike rides that do not require much riding on the road.

Behind the Camera: 5 More Female Directors to Watch

Last month I shared my love for director Ava DuVernay and her contemporaries, and since this month is Women’s History Month I thought why not celebrate five more amazing female directors? This time around I’ll be highlighting five independent filmmakers who truly have a singular vision and voice, and are examples of what adventurous cinema should aspire to be, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Behind the Camera: 5 Female Directors to Watch

It’s also heartening to see that after her snub last year the Academy realized that it had a diversity problem; this year (for the first time) there are people of color nominated in every major acting category and in the director’s category. This is likely the result of a diversified voting pool this year which leads to a more diverse selection of nominees. While this is certainly progress, there still has never been a female Black director nominated for an Oscar. So, instead of focusing on this year’s nominees (love you, Moonlight) I’m going to focus on a handful of films directed by African-American women that you should definitely seek out.

Tournament of Sadness: Round 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts I will be writing to determine the most depressing movie we have in the library’s film collection. I will be watching 16 devastating movies in the coming months — feel free to join in the “fun” and share your feedback!