Finding Langston: A Novel by Lesa Cline Ransome

Discovering a book of Langston Hughes’ poetry in the library helps Langston cope with the loss of his mother, relocating from Alabama to Chicago as part of the Great Migration, and being bullied.

Creepin’ it Real

This thoroughly creepy middle grade tale, meaningfully infused with ancient Korean cultural heritage, is the perfect pick to get you in the holiday spirit!

Coding Books for Grades 3-5

Do you experiment and learn with interactive technology like educational apps, hands on coding and robotics activities? Then these are the books for you.

We Dig Worms…and Author Kevin McCloskey!

If you’re looking for engaging informational books for beginning readers, check out these TOON Books by Kevin McCloskey. Filled with fun facts and a few good laughs, these titles are sure to please.