Non-traditional Holiday Movies
I’ve rounded up a handful of seasonally appropriate movies below, with something that should appeal to even the most discerning cinefile and/or saccharine-adverse.
Yippee-Ki-Yay Happy Holidays!
In Celebration of Native American Heritage Month
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month all November long with these great reads by Native authors.
Nerve: Are You a Watcher or Player?
There was a time when I’d watch any movie that I came across. I mean, have you seen all those posts I made about movies? The problem with watching so … Continued
The State, the Citizen, and Giant Bugs
What exactly is the best relationship between state and citizen? Is the right to vote something that should be earned? And how cool are giant bugs getting blown up by shoulder launched atomic weapons?
Meet the Multiverse with Jane, Unlimited
This is not your typical alternate reality fantasy mystery love adventure.
The Three Kings
Three works by Stephen to keep your interest in IT going!
The Year of IT
I’ve finished many series that comprised thousands of pages. None of that prepared me for the enormity of Stephen King’s IT.
Scarlett has always played it safe, but she longs to visit Caraval, an enchanted world where magic exists so strongly and powerfully that you have to remind yourself that it’s just a game.
Dysfunctional Fun for the Holidays
If you too are visiting loved ones this holiday season, take a moment to ponder how lucky you are that you don’t belong to the following families.
Graphic Novels at the Speed of Light
Do you have the need for speed when you read? Do you crave action and adventure in your comics?