Not Oscar Nominated

These movies won’t win Academy Awards this March. But they will feature over-the-top jokes, huge set pieces, and people driving cars really really fast. Sometimes the Academy is wrong. So check out these films for some unsubtle fun.

Back to School Horror Films

Don’t let starting a new school year scare you. Instead, check out these chilling films all about haunted schools, deranged faculty, and monsters with a taste for students.

Getting Weird in Los Angeles

The history and mystique of Los Angeles lends itself to many works of fiction, songs and movies. These are some of my favorite movies tinged with (or steeped in) oddness, the kind of oddness that can only play out against the background of Los Angeles.

The Oscars, Race and Representation

In connection with Dr. Gooding’s talk, here is a list of films spanning almost 100 years, some nominated for or winners of Oscars, and some that are in the canon of Black film history but were not recognized by the Academy.  

Gentrification Stories

If you’re on the waiting list for the book, “When No One Is Watching,” here is a list of some of the best recent stories featuring gentrification at their core.