History Gets a Sci-Fi Twist in Kindred

What if you found yourself suddenly transported into the past? What if you traveled over and over to the same place and you had no control over when you came back? What if the past was so dangerous that you wondered if you would ever come back at all?

She Drowned in Moonlight, Strangled by Her Own Bra

Over the course of her career, Carrie Fisher gave life to one of the most iconic women of science fiction, advocated for mental health awareness, wrote gloriously smart, funny books and inspired generations of girls and women to be unapologetically themselves, to take matters into their own hands and to stand up for justice regardless of the consequences.

Setting New Goals

Traditionally at the end of the year/beginning of the new year I set new goals. Which means I take a look at what I’ve actually done throughout the previous year and decide on a (hopefully) new set of goals. Therein lies the problem for me: I’m hoping that I’m setting a new set of goals. Did I even accomplish my previous goals? This year, the answer is “Not really.” But does it matter?

Are You Ready to March?

John Lewis’ life and work (and the lives of many other Civil Rights activists) shines brightly in the words and illustrations of the March trilogy, inspiring, educating and empowering readers to make the world a better place.

Three Audio Books with Great Narrators

There have been numerous discussions about whether listening to books is the same as reading books. Although the process may be different, it seems to me that either way you are learning and gathering information. The following are audio book titles that I would recommend, because the narrators are amazing and really give life to the characters.

The Witches’ New Year

Samhain is a holiday that recognizes shorter, colder days and the dominance of night and invites self-reflection and quiet meditation. As the final harvest before the long winter, it is a time to take stock of what’s grown (literally and metaphorically) over the past year and contemplate the coming year. Practitioners decide what, if anything, they want to leave behind or stop doing (such as a bad habit or negative energy), and what they want to actively cultivate moving forward.

Homegoing Might Be the Best Book of 2016 (According to Me)

Yaa Gyasi’s groundbreaking debut novel, Homegoing, begins in 18th century Ghana with two half-sisters who will never meet. Effia, of the Fante tribe, marries a British slaver and lives her life in relative luxury in the Cape Coast castle. Beneath her, captured tribes wait to be shipped to the Americas as slaves. Among them is Esi of the Asante, Effia’s half-sister.

Three Creepy Ghost Stories for Halloween

This is the week leading up to Halloween. So of course I felt obligated to make a post about books that would be great to read over the holiday. And by obligated, I mean I’m super excited about this list because I’ve been super into horror lately. So here are some books that you should pick up to get in the right holiday spirit.