Celebrate Reading with the Reading Warriors!

Every day Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (CLP) staff work to empower teens to be builders of their own future by connecting them to mentors, resources and opportunities that reflect their interests. This school year, CLP is thrilled to be collaborating with Neighborhood Learning Alliance (NLA) and its Reading Warriors program in which high school students act as reading mentors for elementary school children.

Best of BARD: March 2017

“Life comes at you fast”, Ferris Bueller once warned us, but he may have just as well been speaking about King James Patterson’s book releases. When he comes at us … Continued

Novels and Memoirs Told in Poetry

When most people think of poetry, they think of rhyming lines broken into stanzas that go on for about a page or so. Rarely do they think of the many novels, memoirs, and folktales told entirely in verse, whether it be formal (i.e. Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter) or free. These are often great places to start for those who find poetry intimidating or difficult to understand, as I once did.

How Bad Feminist Inspired My Writing

Recently, I finished reading Roxane Gay’s memoir, Bad Feminist, and I really enjoyed it. The memoir was funny and relatable. One example of this is when Gay mentions the fact that she feels that she’s a bad feminist because she loves rap music. Gay mentioned this a few times in the book, and I was thinking “Me too!”

A Dark Knight Reading List for After Hours: Cocktails and Kryptonite

In anticipation of After Hours: Cocktails and Kryptonite this Friday at CLP – Main, I thought I’d share some of my favorite Batman graphic novels. If you’re only familiar with the character from the Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan films or—god forbid—the Joel Schumacher and Zack Snyder iterations, check out these reads on Hoopla.

Can You Judge a Song By Its Cover?

Previously, I posted a list of my favorite “guilty pleasure” songs. Today, I want to talk about covers. Sometimes they’re good; other times… not so much. Some are more popular than the originals. Then there are some songs, like Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” that are so great they get covered over and over.

Join Us April 8 for a Local Book & Author Fair

Do you like to read books about Pittsburgh or by Pittsburgh-area authors? Ever wanted to hear an author describe their creative process? Have you wondered what it takes to get a book published? Do you yourself write and want to network with other local writers? If you answered “yes” to any these questions, then you’re in luck!

One Book, Every Young Child 2017

In Pennsylvania, we celebrate young children all month long by highlighting and engaging in early literacy and focusing on one specific, stand out picture book. Established in 2006, One Book, Every Young Child is a collaborative effort of various organizations throughout the state that advocates and promotes the importance of early literacy skills for young children age three to six.