The Witch

I am not a fan of horror movies. I tend to watch half of the movie with my eyes closed and I fly about two feet out of my chair … Continued

Fear Is Riveting

So much has been written and discussed about Bob Woodward’s latest book Fear: Trump in the White House (DB 91876).  The title appears to have been drawn from the book’s … Continued


Fear: Trump in the White House By Bob Woodward DB91876 Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist details the decision-making process for both foreign and domestic policy within the Trump administration. Draws on … Continued

The 7 Deadly Sins

When I heard that CLP latest After Hours event was going to be about the seven deadly sins, I thought that would be a great idea for a blog post. … Continued

Tween Queens: A Tale of Two Ella’s

We all, I assume, know Disney’s iconic version of the fairy tale Cinderella. Friend to small animals, sings while scrubbing floors, love at first sight with Prince Charming, dainty feet, … Continued

Services for Dark Times 

The library is often a place where people turn when they don’t know where else to go.  Libraries help people with everything from finding a job, connecting people with social … Continued