Wrinkle, Wind, Planet

When I saw the trailer for the Wrinkle in Time movie, I was immediately hooked to the story.  A Wrinkle in Time was my first taste of Madeleine L’Engle’s writing and … Continued

Snow Crash

Have you ever heard of the word avatar?  Not the movie, or the TV show but in a video game, or on a computer where you have  “your avatar”?  Neal … Continued

Best of BARD: October 2017

In October, Sue Grafton leapt up one spot from her place in September.  Otherwise, all of October’s top downloads are new titles and new authors.  Do you know what that … Continued


I find that readers either like HP Lovecraft or hate him, or have never heard of him before.  Not many are ambivalent.  The man wrote wonderfully creepy and demented books, … Continued

Veteran’s Day Library Picks

Throughout the years, Veterans Day adopts a new meaning and context for each generation. When I was growing up, the holiday felt (and still is) very much attached to the … Continued